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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Police Spend 3000 USD On A Stolen CHICKEN Worth 3 USD

Police spent 3,000 USD sending a van and two officers to investigate a cat that stole a chicken from an elderly woman’s kitchen, it was claimed today. Dorothy Howling-Neame, 75, of Folkestone, Kent, called the authorities after her neighbors’ Bengal broke into her house through a cat flap.

Police officers, Stole Chicken, Kent Police Department, Weird Cases, Funny People, Embarrassing Situation, Mischievous Pet, Denis The Menace, Bedfordshire, Real Life, Cat Burglar,

Kent Police officers turned up at the doorstep of Janine and Paul Watson to question them about their pet cat Pebble, leaving the couple stunned. He added that police attended for this reason - ‘and not because of any issues to do with a cat’. Officers spoke to the caller and a neighbor to stop any potential dispute from escalating' Kent Police spokesman. Officers did not attend in a riot van. Neither officer confirmed or gave a cost of their visit.’ Earlier this year a mischievous pet became known as ‘Denis the Menace’ after stealing more than 100 garments from nearby homes and gardens.

Police officers, Stole Chicken, Kent Police Department, Weird Cases, Funny People, Embarrassing Situation, Mischievous Pet, Denis The Menace, Bedfordshire, Real Life, Cat Burglar,

The real-life cat burglar swiped all manner of items, which he took home to his embarrassed owner Lesley Newman, 49, in Luton, Bedfordshire.

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